Challenge & Money Classes
Early entry deadline 6:00 pm the night before Challenge/Money Class is held
Challenge ^ Ranch Rail Entry Fee $50
- 80% to purse -
Western Pleasure & Hunter Under Saddle Money Class entry fee $150 - 80% to purse
Halter & Longe Line Money Class entry fee $100 - 80% to purse
All classes must be pre-entered and pre-paid.
No gate adds allowed. -
Added money in all classes if 3 or more entries. Class will be run as a jackpot if less than 3 entries.
Challenge Class placings will be obtained using scores from the horse & rider combination’s first entry into the arena of the corresponding AQHA, APHA or All Breed class. 80% of the entry fee will go to the appropriate Challenge Class purse. Purse will be paid in 3, 4 or 5D split, according to the number of entries. Ties will be broken by penalties.
All other Heritage Classic Money Classes will be run as a standalone class with the exception of the Open Western Pleasure and Open Hunter Under Saddle class, which will run concurrently with the corresponding NSBA class. All Breeds are eligible. 80% of the entry fee will go to the appropriate Futurity Purse. Futurities will be combined, if possible and with unanimous consent of exhibitors if there are less than 3 entries in any Money Class.
In the case of ties, prize money will be split between the tied entries. Non monetary prizes will be awarded using the pre-selected tiebreaker judge.